
Gaining Vision in the Valleys

Gaining Vision in the Valleys

Deep in Western China, there are many places that are known as “zero regions.” This simply means that there is no known engagement with the Gospel in these places, with entire minority groups with their own cultures, languages, and beliefs in which no one knows anything about Jesus.

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All to Him I Surrender

All to Him I Surrender

Ruth is a young woman well on her way to giving her life to the purposes of Christ. We are blessed to be a small part of her journey as she continues mobilizing others to embrace unreached peoples and preparing herself to be a missionary to the nations. This is her story.

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Medical Missions Delivers Life

Medical Missions Delivers Life

“I may be a little biased, but I truly believe doctors have one of the greatest opportunities to impact the world in missions.”

I first heard Miriam Ndanu share these words with her classmates as she was introducing me as the guest speaker in their weekly Christian Union meeting. When we first met Miriam, she didn’t know much about the 10/40 Window or the Biblical basis of missions. Like most Kenyan believers, Miriam saw missions as a Western idea, not something for African believers. Because Miriam held this belief, she did not see herself playing an active role in accomplishing the Great Commission.

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When the unreached are your neighbors… and friends

When the unreached are your neighbors… and friends

“I’ve never read the Bible like this before!”

Though my friend Nina had heard the 1 Samuel 17 story of David and Goliath countless times, she was blown away to learn the deeper truths of this particular passage for the first time. We were in the middle of our weekly Xplore study when it all seemed to click in Nina’s mind.

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Brand-new Christian immediately empowered into missions

Brand-new Christian immediately empowered into missions

When Thomas first heard about missions, he had only been a Christian for two months. He was still keeping his salvation a secret, still living with his girlfriend, and at that point, he could see no difference in himself from before he was saved and after. Yet when a couple of wazungu (Swahili word for foreigners) working alongside the CMM approached him on his campus talking about God and something about God’s “desire for all people,” Thomas actually listened.

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The Impact of One

The Impact of One

Last semester, I sat among a group of believers who shared stories of how God had awakened their hearts to His immeasurable love for the nations. Some explained how they had began praying for the nations regularly, and others explained that they began sharing their faith with their Muslim coworkers.

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Raising children in the Great Commission

Raising children in the Great Commission

It was spring in Malawi. The skies were the bluest they could be, and the trees just as green. The CMM’s children and family mobilization team, Weave, was en route to visit a family who had caught a glimpse of God’s heart for the nations, and they were blown away by their discovery.

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